Club Council Meeting – 19th Feb

We will hold our next Club Council Meeting on the 19th. Starting at 19.30 prompt. The Management Team will present the Club’s Financial Results, for the Year Ending December 2019, at that same Meeting. We hope you will be encouraged.

Before the Club Council Meeting itself, the Men’s Section will hold it’s own, inaugural, AGM at 19.00. This is the first occasion on which a ‘Men’s Section AGM’ has been held. Accordingly, Kevin, our new Men’s Section Captain, plans to keep this first meeting relatively brief.

But, Kevin’s main intention is to encourage all Men’s Section Members to be ready and willing to share any / all ideas and constructive proposals they may ever have. All such ‘initial ideas’ can then be fully examined, explored, enriched and ‘appropriately executed’, as necessary, in the weeks / months ahead.

Ralph Bartlett will also present a summary of the Global Handicapping System changes that we will have to embrace later this year.

We all look forward to seeing you there and to hearing your thoughts and ideas.