Members survey - booking tee times

Currently members do not have the facility to book a tee time and we are asking our members to find out if you would like us to open up this option.  Please take time to read the Background before completing the survey.


It has been a USP (unique selling point) that at our club you do not have to book a tee time. However, most Golf Clubs have a tee booking system for both members and visitors but at the moment we only offer a booking system for visitors and PlayMoreGolf members. By having a booking system there are many benefits for the club.

All our members have if they wish access to the BRS Golf Members App and instructions were sent out a few weeks ago.   If a member wishes to view when the course is busy they can do this on the App. Visitors and PlayMoreGolf members can use the App to book tee times or can book through our website.  

The Club uses ClubV1 to store all our members details / it adjusts your handicaps and we set up and run all competitions throughout the year on the system.
We have the option to open up the booking system for all our members and visitors which will link with ClubV1, BRS and PlayMoreGolf.  There is no extra cost to the club for doing this.

Roll-ups, competitions, matches and special events have already been blocked out throughout the year so that members can play in these without having to book. Visitors are unable to book tee slots during these times.

The Club is looking at possibly running our own points based membership in the future (similar to the PlayMoreGolf membership) but we would have to open up the tee booking system to do this.

If the Club introduces a booking system, members would have the option of whether to book a tee slot or not.  In other words, if you wish to book a set tee time you can through the BRS App or our website or you can book through Alex Lloyd (Hospitality Manager).  However, if you wish to just turn up to play you can but you risk the possibility that you may have to wait to play if other members or visitors have booked a tee time.  Members would have priority over visitors for booking.  Members would be able to book up to two weeks in advance whereas a visitor would have 7 days.

We are interested to find out what our members think about having a booking system and would be greatful if you could kindly complete the survey by answering the questions below using the drop down menus and comment boxes and then press the submit button.  Please can you complete this no later than the 27th May

If you have any questions prior to completing the survey, please email

Thank you.